We work to improve mental health and wellbeing across Scotland and offer services and support throughout the country, administered by Area Offices.
We believe and statistics show that people can and do recover from significant mental health problems.
Penumbra supports people to live fulfilling and contributing lives. We do this by following our person centred model of HOPE. For us hope is a vital part of recovery and supporting people to have and hold hope for the future is a key part of our work.
However, HOPE also stands for Home, Opportunity, People, Empowerment.
These for us are the fundamental aspects of day to day life that enable people to regain confidence and to move forward to their desired future.
Home – this means having somewhere that is safe and comfortable, somewhere where you can venture forward from but still feel firmly rooted. It is more than just shelter or a roof over your head.
Opportunity – this represents having something meaningful to do. Whether this is education, leisure, recreation, volunteering or working, we know that meaningful activity is important to people’s sense of wellbeing and belonging.
People – having people in your life as friends, confidantes and supporters is important for all of us. For many people who experience mental health problems it is important to build or rebuild social and personal networks.
Empowerment – this means always being involved in any decisions that affect your life.
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